Personal Brand Equity - Sergey Gorbatov

“Personal Brand Equity” with Sergey Gorbatov, Talent Executive, Professor, and Author

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How can you measure your personal brand?

What behaviors have the most impact on your Personal Brand?  

My guest on this episode is Sergey Gorbatov, Talent Executive, Professor, and Author 

During our conversation, Sergey and I discuss the following:   

  • How his mindset on growth and taking risks has impacted his career

  • Why building a personal brand is not for everyone

  • The three factors that determine how much your personal brand is worth

  • How you can make your personal brand stand out while still fitting in

  • How someone’s personal brand impacts their performance or talent ratings

Connecting with Sergey Gorbatov:

Sergey Gorbatov on LinkedIn

Website: The Edge You Need

Research: Personal Brand Equity


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