Rethinking How We Measure Human Capital - Peter Cappelli

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“Rethinking How We Measure Human Capital” with Peter Cappelli, Professor of Management at The Whar
EP 99 - Peter Cappelli
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Why do we need to rethink how we value and measure human capital?

How can HR influence the business to take a longer term view when making investments in their people?

My guest on this episode is Peter Cappelli Professor of Management at The Wharton School and Director of Wharton’s Center for Human Resources

During our conversation Peter and I discuss:

  • Why people are the least important asset according to current financial accounting practices. 

  • The real reason companies do layoffs (hint: it is often not about cost savings).

  • What HR leaders can do to better communicate the tangible and intangible costs of layoffs.

  • Why hiring decisions are the most important decisions organizations make.

  • Why companies complain about skills gaps and why a lack of skills is not really the problem.

  • His advice for HR leaders on what they should be doing in 2024 and beyond.

Connecting with Peter Cappelli:

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Learn more about Peter and his contributions to the field


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