Raising the bar on Talent & Culture - Tim Richmond
“Raising the Bar on Talent and Culture” with Tim Richmond, EVP & Chief Human Resources Officer, AbbVie
Team Network Effect - Rob Cross & Katheryn Brekken
“What Works: Team Network Effect” with Rob Cross, Senior Vice President of Research at i4cp and Katheryn Brekken, Senior Research Analyst at i4cp
Investing In & Betting on Talent - Stephanie Lilak
"Investing In & Betting on Talent” with Stephanie Lilak, EVP & Chief People Officer, Mondelez International
What Works: Creating a culture of innovation - Scott Anthony
“What Works: Creating a Culture of Innovation” with Scott Anthony, Professor at Tuck, Senior Advisor at Innosight, & internationally recognized expert on navigating disruptive change
Ethical AI and HR: Managing Risk & Innovation - Reid Blackman
“Ethical AI and HR: Managing Risk & Innovation” with Reid Blackman, PhD, author of “Ethical Machines” and CEO and Founder, Virtue, a digital ethical risk consultancy
The Power of Being Bold - Ginger King
"The Power of Being Bold” with Ginger King, CHRO, Kohler Co.
Leading With empathy & Purpose - Tricia Alcamo
“Leading with Empathy & Purpose” with Tricia Alcamo, CHRO and with prior experience at FanDuel, Spectrum Enterprise, American Express, Deloitte Consulting
Reinventing Your Career - Herminia Ibarra
“Reinventing Your Career” with Herminia Ibarra, Charles Handy Professor of Organizational Behavior at London Business School and best selling author
Embracing Risks and the Power of Transformation - Jordana Kammerud
Embracing Risks and the Power of Transformation” with Jordana Kammerud, SVP & CHRO, Corning
Gravitas: The Eight Superpowers of Confidence - Lisa Sun
“Gravitas: The Eight Superpowers of Confidence” with Lisa Sun, Entrepreneur and Author
SneAk PeEk - Elevate by future of hr
“Sneak Peek: Elevate By Future of HR” featuring 22 top HR and management thought leaders.
What Works: Organizational Design - Amy Kates
“What Works: Organizational Design” with Amy Kates, Organization Design Expert, Consultant, Educator, and Author of Five Books
Talent fueled enterprise - Mike Ohata, Larry Durham, and Eric Dingler
“Talent Fueled Enterprise” with Mike Ohata, Former Big Four Partner & Fortune 15 Talent Leader Eric Dingler, Retired Managing Director, Chief Learning Officer Deloitte US, Larry Durham, President, St. Charles Consulting Group
What Works: CEO Succession - Kevin Cox & Anthony Nyberg
“What Works: CEO Succession” with Kevin Cox, Founder and President of LKC Advisory and Anthony Nyberg, Director, Center for Executive Succession at University of South Carolina
Rethinking How We Measure Human Capital - Peter Cappelli
“Rethinking How We Measure Human Capital” with Peter Cappelli Professor of Management at The Wharton School and Director of Wharton’s Center for Human Resources
The Science of Personality - Reece Akhtar & Uri Ort
“The Science of Personality” with Reece Akhtar, CEO and Co-Founder & Uri Ort, Co-Founder, Deeper Signals
Move up or move on: Secrets to career Success - Angela Lane & Sergey Gorbatov
“Move Up or Move On: Secrets to Career Success” with Angela Lane and Sergey Gorbatov
Modern People Leader + Future of HR
“Modern People Leader + Future of HR” with Daniel Huerta, Stephen Huerta, & JP Elliott
Winning with Talent - Lucien Alziari
“Winning with Talent” with Lucien Alziari, EVP and CHRO of Prudential Financial, Inc
Unlocking the Skill code - Matt beane
“Unlocking the Skill Code” with Matt Beane, Assistant Professor, UCSB Technology Management Program & Author, “The Skill Code.”